Mariano Martin , The CEO, and Editor-in-Chief

Mariano Martin is a name that is synonymous with the world of television reviews and analysis. As the author and CEO of, Martin has established himself as a leading expert in the industry, providing insightful commentary and analysis on the latest shows, movies, and streaming services.

Born and raised in a small town in Spain, Martin developed a passion for television at a young age. He was fascinated by the power of television to bring people together and to create a shared cultural experience. As he grew older, his passion for television only grew stronger, and he began to dream of a career in the industry.

After completing his education, Martin set out to make his mark in the world of television. He began his career as a freelance writer, contributing articles and reviews to a variety of publications. Over time, he honed his skills as a writer and reviewer, and his work began to attract attention from industry insiders.

In 2010, Martin launched his own, with the goal of providing readers with honest and unbiased reviews, as well as in-depth analysis and commentary on the latest shows, movies, and streaming services. His website quickly gained a following, and Martin soon found himself at the forefront of the industry.

Today, Martin’s website is one of the most respected and influential sources of on the internet. His writing is known for its depth, insight, and honesty, and his opinions are highly sought after by fans and industry professionals alike. He has built a reputation as a leading authority on all things television, and his work is regularly cited and referenced by other industry experts.

In addition to his work as an author and CEO, Martin is also a highly respected commentator and analyst. He has appeared on a variety of television programs and podcasts, where he has shared his insights and opinions on the latest trends and developments in the industry. His commentary is known for its intelligence, humor, and wit, and he has become a beloved figure in the world of television.

Despite his success, Martin remains humble and grounded, and is always looking for ways to improve his craft. He is dedicated to providing his readers with the most accurate and up-to-date information about the world of television, and he is committed to creating a community of TV enthusiasts who can share their thoughts, opinions, and insights on the latest shows, movies, and streaming services.

In conclusion, Mariano Martin is a true leader in the world of television reviews and analysis. His work has had a profound impact on the industry, and his influence is felt by fans and professionals alike. With his dedication, insight, and passion, he has become a beloved figure in the world of television, and he is sure to continue making his mark for years to come.